Saturday, December 22, 2012

Trip to Louisiana - Day 2 continues..

We were on our way to Baton Rouge around 3 after visiting the plantation, as we weren't decided about where to go next. But unexpectedly, we saw an air boat with passengers all ready for a swamp tour on the way and there we were - buying our tickets for the same tour. It was raining, so we were given colorful rain coats to wear before settling down in the boat. Within minutes we were in the swamps - with dirty water, damp smell, alligators and snakes.

The fast speed of the boat and rain was making it really hard to keep the eyes open, but we were able to manage after the rain stopped. On top of that, the driver drove so fast that once it actually hit one of the tree branches and the women sitting on that side got very scared. After a crazy ride, the driver slowed down and turned the boat into a narrow space between the trees and stopped. And then came the shock - he asked us if we wanted to catch an alligator and if we do - then we'll have to get down into the water and catch it.  

For a moment, everyone was quite and suddenly the lady who was already scared said, "I  don't want to do anything like that". 

And that was it, the driver came to the front of the boat and without saying a single word, opened the box and there came a baby alligator. Some of us actually jumped off the seats. 

Well, the mouth of the alligator was tied, so no one was worried and we all actually started holding it one by one and also clicked pictures. And then the driver gave us some interesting facts about alligators and the story behind the baby alligator. It was super fun and once the story time was over, the alligator went back in the box and we turned back to the open areas of the swamp. The tour lasted for about one and a half hour - with super speed and rain; and it ended with a side drop off a wall (that was scary) and it felt like the boat had almost turned over in the swamp. 

It was our first swamp tour and was definitely an amazing experience. Good, that we decided to do this, as no trip to Louisiana is complete without one. 

Now that it was almost evening, we thought of going to the' Mardi Gras World'. The last tour available was for 4:30, so we really had to rush. We were there just on time, bought the tickets and waited for the tour to begin. The guide took us inside the warehouse where all the magic happens - where  the floats & figures are sculpted for the famous parade. It was incredible to see the craftsmanship, designs and details with which the work is done. And we also saw the painters and sculptors actually working on some of the models, as the work goes on all year round in preparation for February carnival.

                                                             Inside the Mardi Gras World

After the tour, we saw a 20 minute video of the parade and how it is put together. And the best part, we also got to dress up in some of those costumes and click pictures. It was the best possible way to experience 'Mardi Gras' in November.

From there, we went to the french quarter again and this time just for food at the Acme Oyster House. The most obvious thing to order at an oyster house is of-course oysters, so we ordered 'chargrilled oysters' for starters. And for the main course, it was 'New Orleans Medley' and 'shrimp po-boy'. The food was delicious and the oysters were unforgettable. After a great dinner, we left for Baton Rouge and stayed there for a couple of days before going back home.

I have to say this - what a Fabulous trip it was - we visited most of the famous places in New Orleans, relished cajun-creole cuisine and experienced some of the craziest things as well. 

                                                                     Our Trip on map

Friday, December 21, 2012

Trip to Louisiana - day 2

The following day, we left early around 9:30 in the morning to see the 'Oak Alley Plantation'. The first time I saw it was on a show on TV and now to see it for real, I was super excited. 

Firstly, the name itself transports you to the world of novels, and in reality too, it looks like a dream. While driving on the way to the plantation, the front side of the mansion can be seen from behind the iron gate - and it's a breathtaking view. The mansion stands perfectly in the center of a row of giant oak trees on both the sides, it almost seems like looking through the lens of trees. 

It feels so surreal as if the house was actually a painting. The view was out of this world, with the river right outside the gate and the way lined with massive trees. Because of these incredible views, the plantation has featured in many magazines, commercials, TV shows, music videos (Beyonce's 'Deja Vu') and numerous movies (Primary Colors, Interview with the vampire). 

We were there in time, parked our car and went to the ticket booth to get the tickets. Got the tour tickets for 11:30, meanwhile we clicked some amazing pictures and then, went to the big house. As we were waiting for the tour to begin, it started raining and that made the experience even better. 

                                                             Our tickets to the Plantation

The tour guide opened the door of the house and it felt like she was welcoming guests inside for a dinner party. She was dressed in a gown resembling the outfits worn in 19th century by women. We were ushered in to the living room and the guide gave us a brief introduction about the house and its owners. And took us around the house while explaining how a  particular room was used. 

Some of the things were pretty interesting like in those times kitchen was not a part of the house due to frequent fires and even the dining table & chairs were way shorter than normal as people used to be much shorter in height than today. The view from the balcony on the second floor was again beyond words. And it took us almost 30 minutes to tour the whole house, though some parts were closed off from the public. 

By the time we came out, the rain had stopped and everything looked so fresh. We clicked some pictures with the guide and tried the famous 'mint julep'. The plantation was so picturesque, we just couldn't stop clicking and enjoying the beautiful surroundings. We also got to see the slave quarters, sugar kettles and the Stewart gardens and from there went straight to the restaurant (originally it was the quarter house built for tenant workers). And once again, it was time to try some more of creole-cajun cuisine and we ordered 'french quarter crepes' (the special of the day) and 'seafood gumbo'. 

The 15-minute wait for the food seemed like forever and we took almost no time in finishing it when it finally came. The food was heavenly - crepes were filled with cheese and the seafood gumbo with mimosa was all one could ask for. Extremely satisfied with the overall visit, we went to the souvenir shop to buy some stuff and hurried to the car, as it had started raining again. 

                                           Plantation on the cover of National Geographic magazine

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Trip to Louisiana

We planned this trip during the hurricane week, as there was power outage and the restoration was to take seven to ten days. So, it was the right time for a vacation and what could be better than Louisiana. I flew to New Orleans on the 1st of November.

Back to light- it was actually shocking for a moment to see the lights on, after being without power for so long. And I was so happy to find a charging point for my phone on the airport (my phone was almost dead). It is totally unbelievable how power outage can affect the way we look at things and how even normal day to day things can make us happy. 

Being in New Orleans, away from all the 'sandy' mess - it was great. We decided to begin the next day, with a visit to the garden district. The first place we saw was the Lafayette cemetery - a 200-year old above-ground burial place. It was quite unusual to see above ground tombs and more so, some of those even had many generations of a family together in the same tomb. It was a completely different experience.

 Lafayette Cemetery

After spending some time there, we walked out to the garden district. It is definitely one of the most beautiful places, with palatial mansions built in Greek revival and Italianate architectural styles. It was a stroll through history- magnificent houses, long French windows and lush manicured gardens which looked perfectly ready for a party. And there were also houses of celebrities who have lived in the district like author Anne Rice, the Mannings etc.

We clicked some great pictures and drove around the lower garden district as well. It is for sure one of the best places to visit when in New Orleans. But of-course, nothing can beat the French quarters.

                                                               Garden District Gallery

Next, we headed to the famous French quarters - cobblestone streets with decorated overlooking balconies, it looked unreal. It reminded me of the beautiful Savannah, a British colony during 18th century; it also has the same feel, great architecture and beautiful houses. And one of my friend also told me - 'If you liked Savannah so much, you'll love New Orleans' and that came out to be true. 

We drove through the narrow lanes overcrowded with people and found a good public parking few blocks away from the 'Party Street'. Well, am referring to world famous 'Bourbon Street', the place to be in New Orleans. We walked by the mysterious alleys to the brightly-lit party street and there we were amidst the maddening crowd. People were dancing, singing, drinking and throwing beads from the balconies; it felt like we have suddenly landed on a movie set.  

The sound of jazz music, laughter and clinking beads - it was the sound of enjoyment. Everyone was lost in themselves, I have never seen a more lively place than this. We had a jolly good time walking on the street, collecting beads and dancing to the jazzy tunes. Spent quite some time there, clicked some funny pictures and got in line for dinner @ Desire Oyster Bar. We had to wait for about 15 minutes to get in the crowded restaurant.  

Then, it was time to try the cajun & creole cuisine and we ordered 'jambalaya' and 'crawfish Etouffee'. The food was so flavorful and different from any other cuisine we had ever tried. And it was a perfect finish for our day, we left for hotel after enjoying this delectable meal. 

I would recommend everyone to visit bourbon street at least once, to experience the craziness of this 'party street'. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

It's Hurricane 'Sandy' this year !

Last year it was hurricane 'Irene' and this year its 'Sandy'. All the attention has been shifted from elections and the news channels have been on it since yesterday i.e. 28th of October, 2012. Its a category 1 hurricane and is been called frankenstorm due to its size and the devastating effect it may have. 

Everyone has been rushing to get food supplies and we did the same as well. Quite similar to last year, this time also we have a stocked refrigerator and luckily, we were able to get some last packets of bread and a flash light left in the store. And also got the car tank filled up. The phones are on charging and have enough batteries for other things.

The winds are very strong right now with gusts of upto 50 mph and it has been raining consistently since yesterday. And the hurricane is expected to be on land by evening.

Got a call from the mayor last evening for details about the emergency shelters and the phone numbers of emergency care. Today again, there was a call in the morning for evacuation for people living up to the south of 3rd street. We are on the 4th street quite close to water, hopefully we won't have to move. And there's also a citywide curfew from 6 p.m. today, so no moving around unless essential.

Hoping for the best !

Definitely didn't expect it to be this bad. There were crazy winds and heavy rains and to top it all, there was power outage too.

2nd November, 2012 -  Stayed without power for almost five days. We lost power on Monday (29th October) around  8:30 p.m. It was restored by friday (2nd November, 2012) afternoon. Quite a different experience it was, I could imagine how our ancestors must have lived when there was no concept of electricity. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Pocono Adventures 3

Another day in the Poconos and we wanted to go for zip-lining. We decided to go to CBK Mountain Adventures in Tannersville, as it was quite close to Stroudsberg where we stayed for the night. It must be a half an hour drive from there. 

We left around 11:30 from the hotel, had breakfast on the way and arrived at our destination by 12:30. Went straight inside to check the list for that day's adventures, as there was prediction of a storm by the weather forecast. So we wanted to know beforehand about the activities scheduled for that day. And as expected they did have a smaller schedule. 

Still, the zipline and mountain coaster were available; so it wasn't that bad. We booked the activities and went back to the car to keep our phones and wallets. Came back, got the harness and walked uphill to reach the platform. It was built on a steep slope as is the case always. And within minutes we were all buckled up and were asked to move to the edge of the platform.

Both of us took a few minutes before pushing off the edge. And then we were flying, with the pull of gravity and steep incline; it was a fantastic ride. And I didn't forget to smile on the way, for the photographer who was clicking our pictures. Ride got over in no time and we were back on our feet sooner than we expected. Took off the harness and went around to see our pictures, which came out pretty well. Bought the pictures and left from there.

Next on the list was the Delaware Water Gap, which was on our way back home. We left and were there within 45 minutes. It was a beautiful sight with mountains on the other side and the river in between. Spent some time amidst the breathtaking beauty of the nature but had to leave early as it started raining.

From there, we went to the turtle beach which was about half an hour from there. And the drive was through the scenic forests, with the single lane road - it felt like the trees were almost covering the entire way, it was amazing. The beach was another beautiful place and we were there for a short while. On the way, we even saw signboard pointing to the route of 'Appalachian Trail' which passes through the Delaware water gap region.

                                                                     Appalachain Trail

Then it was time to move on, we started our journey back home. Got back around 7 in the evening and it was pouring. What a perfect end to a perfect vacation.

We had a fabulous time.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pocono Adventures 2

After our visit to the 'Bushkill Falls', we checked in to the hotel. Our stay at the Residence Inn, Allentown was relaxing. For dinner, we went to a restaurant close by and were back around 11. It was a day well spent, I should say.

The following day, we had plans to visit one of the two places - either Dingmans Falls or the Crystal Cave, and we decided on the latter one. After having a scrumptious breakfast, we were on our way by 11. It was almost 30 mins away from where we were staying, and it took us just the same time.

A sharp left on the single lane road and there we were in a not so crowded parking area of the visitor center. Got the tickets and climbed up the hill to the entrance. There we were asked to wait for the guide. Within 10 minutes the guide was there and he led us into the theater to watch a small documentary on the history of Crystal Cave. It lasted for about 20 minutes and after watching it, we were even more curious to see the cave up-close.

                                                               Crystal Cave

Before going in, the guide informed us that the temperature inside the cave always stays under 60F and during the 45 minute tour, he will be putting off all the lights for a few minutes, to help us understand the way people experienced it 100 years ago. Another issue was of bats, but the guide assured us that though bats are there, he has never seen them come out in many years.

The moment we stepped in, the change in climate became obvious and it was quite surprising as well. Also, the huge stones along with indirect lighting made it appear very different from anything we had ever experienced. It felt like a journey into something unknown and strange.

The tour guide explained to us the formations of the various stalactites, stalagmites, flowstone and drip-stone inside the cave. It could be easily compared to any beautiful artwork but in this case it was by nature itself. One of the stone structure looked like an ice-cream cone, some of them resembled an eagle or even an angel, one of those appeared so similar to a statue of a woman holding a vessel, some appeared as shiny crystals stuck to the stones and some were just indescribable. It was all so captivating.

We went all the way to the end of the cave walking though narrow walkways created on fallen rocks. And yes, the lights were put off for two minutes in between and it was pitch dark. Can't imagine how people must be venturing inside the cave without lights. In all, the cave is definitely one of the best things we have ever seen. And is aptly described in the Crystal Cave brochure as - 'a splendid museum of nature'. 

Stepping out of the cave was shocking again as the temperature suddenly changed. But we had am amazing experience, something to remember forever. We also got some great shots of the stone formations. 

                                                      Our ticket for the cave tour @ 12:55 p.m

After the tour, we went to the souvenir shop, picked up some colorful stones from the pile and other stuff. And left from there around 2:30. As we didn't have any plans for the day, we thought of going around the town. While on our way, we spotted a a big billboard showing the sign for House of candles and directions to reach there. And without thinking twice, we were on the road, through the narrow lanes of a small town with fields on both the sides. It was as if we were exploring the countryside. 

It was about 4 miles as mentioned on the board and we were there in no time. We saw some cars parked outside but it didn't look very crowded. Got off and went inside to check out the house of candles and it wasn't what we had expected to be. It was just a shop, a very big shop which sold candles; though it was different in a way- as you could watch a candle being made in front of you. It was quite interesting to watch the whole process, how the candle is dipped in various colors to form layers which is later on scratched off to form different patterns. 

Afterwards, we bought some candles and were on our way back to the hotel around 3:30. Had dinner in the restaurant and wrapped up the day happily. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Pocono Adventures

Our fourth wedding anniversary trip to the Poconos was no less than adventurous. Planned, got the bookings done and we set sail (on the road) on the morning of 6th of September.

The first place, we had to visit was 'The Bushkill Falls', known as the Niagara of Pennsylvania. Around 10:30, we were there after a small detour from a campsite as the GPS had some tracking issues. Bought the tickets and decided to do one of the trails given in the brochure. The red trail covered most of the falls region and was good for hiking as well.

                                                    Red Trail Description from the brochure

The entrance to the trail began through a wildlife exhibit and there began our hike through the nature. The first was the top of the main falls, which was a beautiful sight. With lush greenery around and a small wooden bridge over the creek, it looked like a picture. Some more steps down the side and we were at the bottom of the main falls. One could get a clear view of the falls from this point.

Following the read trail, we moved on to the Lower gorge falls and it was breathtaking. It looked massive and there was a lot of mist around as well. So we had to click pictures quickly before the camera got soaked. From then on, it was a long hike uphill along the picturesque creek and we got some awesome shots there. We were quick enough and arrived at the first Bridesmaid's falls within 10-15 minutes.

                                                                    Main Falls
And climbed up the steps to see the Bridal Veil falls, which was unbelievably stunning. We were able to go quite close to the falls and the view was mesmerizing. Spent some time there and went to the next Bridesmaid's falls, which was amazing too, as it came from behind a wall of rocks. Clicked pictures and took the numerous steps up again. Then, it was a long walk through the forest and we even spotted a dear on the way. It was definitely intimidating, as there was absolutely no human visible and it was almost like we were walking through the dense forest, just the two of us.

We got to the Delaware Valley lookout, in 20 minutes. It was a great point to see the Pocono mountains. Then we headed back to the main falls and on to see the Upper Canyon and Adams Flats. We were out around 2:30, completely enervated and hungry, we went straight to the cafeteria for lunch. Had a hearty lunch and also, bought souvenirs from the store. 

Then it was time, we left for the hotel from there.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Amazing : Olympics 2012

Very first Olympic 2012 match I saw was a women's fencing match and from then on, it became a habit of sort for me to watch the games whenever possible. 

London Olympics started with the Opening Ceremony on the 27th of July; and the grand show of sports began. It was amazing to see the great line-up of various games, such competitive athletes and the excitement among people.

I don't recall myself watching a handball or a table tennis game ever, but this Olympics changed it all. Since then, I have been glued to the tv - and saw my first women's handball preliminary match between France and Norway, what a superb match it was. Both the teams were equally good and were neck to neck in the competition till France won by one point.

The first round of men's singles table tennis match between Latvia and Canada, was great as the players were so swift in the game, it was almost unbelievable to see them play. And the preliminary basketball match between USA and France was so interesting, everyone played their best but only one team could win and that was USA.

Women's weightlifting match was laudable too, the chinese Li Xueying scored the highest and she definitely had the edge over her competitors from the beginning. Can't imagine how difficult it must be to lift 58 kgs of weight, that's humongous.

All these and many-many more matches were worth watching and I tried my best to follow most of the games all through. But somehow the Finals/Medal matches still hold that special place and that goes for everyone, I guess.

The semi-final Men's Water Polo match between Croatia and Montenegro was a thrilling match till the end, though Croatia won, both the teams were commendable. And I can't forget the Men's Beach Volleyball Bronze medal match, it was superb, such great players and it was so hard to predict the winner. It was a nerve-racking match and Latvia won its first Olympic medal against Netherlands.

Then the women's badminton doubles-Gold medal match was great, China won against Japan.
And the Wrestling gold medal match between USA and Ukraine was an exceptional one, both the competitors were focused and given a situation, both of them could have won.  

The most exciting of them was - the final lap of Men's Pentathlon, it was brutal, seriously its beyond imagination how these athletes complete and then even go on winning in such arduous competitions. All three winners were up to the mark, and 'the last few seconds are very important' was proved in this competition, when Svoboda of Czeck Republic over took Cao Z of China in the final seconds. Such impossible determination deserves much more than an applause.

Usain Bolt's and Micheal Phelps's spectacular record finishes were outstanding as well. Seeing such tremendous performances by the best athletes from around the globe was extraordinary. The closing ceremony was held on 12th August, two days back and that brought to a close a fortnight of sports extravaganza.

It was a delight to write down my wonderful experience of Olympics 2012. It sure is the greatest celebration of sports in the world.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Boston : It is !!

Vibrant and full of life, is the apt description for the city of Boston. It boasts of a rich history, great architecture, wide open green spaces, scenic coastline and an eclectic mix of people from all around the world.

We planned our trip for the 28th of April, 2011 along with my parents. It was our first trip with them and we tried to visit all the famous places. Accordingly, we started early in the morning around 7 and drove for almost five hours with two stops on the way for gas and breakfast.

Arrived at our destination around 12, parked the car across the street from Quincy Market and moved on to the market area. Quite a cheerful place it was, with loud music and swarming crowds, it sure was the central point of the city. All of us were happy to be out after a long drive, and enjoyed chocolate ice-creams while watching a street performance.

                                                                     Quincy Market

With a multitude of fast food centers, restaurants and shops; it was a great place to start our trip to the city. Next, we had the Harvard tour lined up at 2, so we had some light brunch and left for Harvard Square where the group was supposed to meet. Luckily, we found a great parking spot on Massachusetts Ave which was quite close to the meeting point and we were there just in time. The guide was waiting for everyone to turn up and we happened to be the first ones.

Then we were introduced to the tour guide who herself was a current student of Harvard. She gave a brief overview and began the tour with seven more people along with us. Her explanation of the university and its history was very informative and she kept it light by dropping in some witty jokes here and there.

She even went around to show us the favorite eating joints for the students. The tour went on for an hour or so. It was a great experience for us, as we all wanted to see this celebrated institution up close. 


After that, it was time for some refreshments, we stopped by a local pizzeria and had some delicious food. Next on the list was Prudential Center, we were there around 3:30. A great shopping place, we picked up a few souvenirs and bought our tickets for the duck tour. Around 4:30, we came out and got in the line for the ride - our very first on an amphibious truck called 'Duck'.

The driver was hilarious, he took us around the well-known areas of the city while giving us some funny one-liners and of-course the occasional 'quack-quacks' on the way. Best part of the ride was when we splashed into the Charles River, it was a different feeling. The ride on the water was great too as we got stunning views of Boston and Cambridge skylines.


From there, we were driven back to the prudential center after more than an hour of sightseeing and then, it was time to leave. We began our journey around 6:30 and made it back home by 12:30, with a dinner stop in between.

Overall, it was a wonderful trip and we had the most fun.   

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

One for the Leap year !!!

Even today, leap year holds that fancy place in our minds. And that definitely calls for a blog dedication.

Its that time of the year again after 3 long years, when we get an extra day added to the month of february. This additional day makes this month look more normal. Though I was already planning to write about it, the google doodle, which has a picture of leaping frogs and the cable service e-mail, regarding the interruption in TV service due to sun outages, reminded me. Moreover, this will be the first one for this month, so all the more reason to do some writing.

Moving on to the main point, Leap year - as everyone must be aware of, the year gives us that added day because according to Wikipedia, 'a common year is almost 6 hours shorter than a solar year'. So when all those lost hours are put together, it becomes a complete day and a part of our calender every four years. That reminds me of a funny incident from school days, when one of my classmates used to have grand celebration on his birthday, as he was able to do that only once in four year, what a day to be born !

Just got a leap day deals mail from groupon, different !! And ofcourse, the date is so obviously different too - 29-02-12.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Road Trip Diary: 5

Next day, we left the hotel at 10 and went to Haulover Beach. Just wanted to enjoy some more views of the beautiful beaches of Miami before leaving. Spent quite a while there, and from there we went to Bayside Marketplace. It was as lively as ever, a local band was playing and some people were dancing too. And what to say about food, it was the perfect place and we had a scrumptious meal.

       Haulover Beach, Miami

Around 3, it was time to leave for home. The journey began right there and we set out towards our destination. At 7, we stopped at MIMS on the way, for refreshments. And by 9:45, we were in Georgia.

We decided to drive all the way in one go. And around 3:11 am, we entered North Carolina and by 7:30 in the morning, we were in Virginia. At 11, we crossed Washington D.C. and took a small breakfast stop for half an hour.

By 1:30, we were home, home sweet home. It was a long haul and we did it in 22 hours at a stretch. So, we covered almost 11 states - New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, D.C., Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida; went all the way to the southern most tip of United States  and around 3500 miles (5632 kms), when it comes to numbers.

It was a memorable trip and we had the most amazing time. And Road Trips are always great, especially this one as it was just according to the way we wanted it to be. Seeing it on a map makes it even more awesome, the route we took, the places we visited, the distance we covered - its an unbelievable feeling to finish a mega road trip in time.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Road Trip Diary: 4

The following day was a long one too, as we planned to be in Seaquarium early and exactly at 9:30, we were there. Bought the tickets and went first to Sea Lion Feeding, where we actually got to feed raw fish to the sea lions. It was quite amazing to throw the fishes at them and see the way they were gulping those down at such a quick pace.

Later we went for the 10:30 Dolphin show, which was great. The dolphins were so well trained and the trainers also did a fabulous job. After that, it was time for the Sea Lion show, which is always so good. Next, we left to see the famous Flipper Dolphin and it was fantastic, the whole troupe was so synchronised. Thereafter, at 12:30, the Killer Whale performance was just about to start, when we got our seats. It got over in 20 mins and we were so happy to have seen all these incredible shows back to back.

Miami Seaquarium visit was superb and we got to check out the Reef Aquarium, stingrays, manatees and sharks. Thereon, at 3 we drove to South Beach Miami for a relaxing evening. We loved the atmosphere, clear blue waters of Atlantic, good food and the bright sunshine, which was a big relief from the chilling winters of New York.

Spent 3 to 4 hours on the beach and went back at 6. And decided to go to Lincoln Rd Mall at 7. The place is known for sidewalk cafes and restaurants. We had a great time there, the crowds were amazing and the food was delicious. Went back to hotel at 10.

Monday, January 09, 2012

Road Trip Diary: 3

En route to Savannah, at 6 in the evening we stopped in Macon for refreshments. And arrived at the destination around 9. Checked into a hotel and ended the day sooner than before. Next day, we woke up early and left at 10 in the morning to see the historic waterfront.

Though it was raining heavily, we had a good time on the waterfront with french colonial architecture, cobbled streets and the dark alleys, it reminded me of the old movies. It was so real and we were so happy to have visited this place. We had a fabulous time, enjoyed cup of hot coffee and brownies along with the good weather and clicked some amazing pictures. Before leaving from there, we also had a hearty lunch.

Around 3, we left Savannah and were on I-95 Southbound, to Miami. At 4:30, we entered State of Florida and stopped at Jacksonville for almost an hour. At 5:30, we started again and took a small detour in Palm Springs for gas station. And arrived in Miami at 1:30, after a long-long drive and checked into a hotel.

At Miami - our final destination, the following day was all about relaxing. Around 11, we left from hotel to have breakfast and moved on to North Miami, to visit Haulover Beach. At 1:30, we were there to enjoy the sunshine, white sands and the water. The view was breathtaking, with large stretch of white sand along the clear blue water of the ocean.

                                                                     Driving to Haulover Park

We spent quite some time on the beach and went back to hotel at 4:00. In the evening, we decided to go to Bayside Marketplace, and we were there around 5:30. Enjoyed a live show by a local band, had amazing seafood and overall, had a fantastic time. Wrapped up the day and came back to hotel at 10:00.

Next day, we planned to go to Everglades National Park, which is spread across 1.5 acres and is the perfect place to explore the wilderness. At 11:30, we arrived at the Alligator Park to enjoy the famous airboat ride. Got the 12:25 tickets for the ride and went directly to see the 12:00 Alligator feedind session. The guy told many interesting facts about their diet and resting time, and then fed the hungry alligators with dead rats.

And then it was time for the airboat ride, we got in the line and luckily we got the front seats on the boat. We sat happily and the driver told us that the people sitting in the front row will be the first ones getting soaked in the dirty water, when the boat takes sudden turns. And then the driver asked my name, told everyone that I'll be the one who'll be saving others by throwing out alligators and snakes who land up on the boat and everyone started yelling out - 'thankyou', 'you are a rockstar'; it was super funny.

The ride got over in 20 mins and we had an awesome time and yes, we really got soaked when the boat took crazy turns. Had an amazing half an hour of high speed boat ride amid alligators along with the front row excitement. Then we got so hungry, that we went off to have lunch from there. Later, we clicked some pictures and went towards the National Park entry. We entered the park at 3 and moved on to see Royal Palms, where we took the Gumbo - Limbo Trail, which was like walking through a dense forest, it was a thrilling experience.

From there, we drove all the way to Flamingo, the southern most tip of florida. The drive was through well-preserved wildlife terrain, which was just amazing. Arrived there at 4:30 and enjoyed great views of the key west islands. Clicked pictures and had some refreshments. And left from there and came back to hotel at 7:15. After that, we came out to have dinner at 9 and the amazing day came to an end.

Road Trip Diary : 2

We were in Jamestown at 2:30 in the afternoon, and enjoyed a trip around the place which was the first permanent english settlement in the US. It sure was historic with the Jamestown Church Tower and the statue of John Smith; a wonderful trip, through the history.

The next destination was Charlotte and we were on John Tyler Highway at 3:30. Picked up coffee and some refreshments on the way, and took Highway 156 south. At 9:30, we were in Charlotte, and it was time for dinner. We had a scrumptious meal and spent some time there. The city was beautifully lit and it definitely must be a great place to live.

Began our journey at 10:35 towards the next pitstop, which was Atlanta. Drove by Spartanburg on Highway 85 South-bound and entered South Carolina @ 11. The weather was pretty good up till now, but by 11:40, it became so foggy. It almost seemed like we were driving into nothing,  the visibility was very-very low and I really have no idea how my husband managed to drive through that thick smoke. It was the craziest and scariest ride of the whole trip.

We entered Georgia, at 12:57 in the night. And by 1:30, we hit the first 1000 miles of our road trip, driving through nine states. We checked into a hotel at 2:30 after a long day.

                                                                         En route to Atlanta

The following day, we spent quite some time in Atlanta. Right after breakfast, we left for Pemberton Place at 11:30. Parked the car and went to World of Coca-Cola to get our tickets. And went in, it was a very different experience. First of all, we were ushered into a hall where there was memorabilia of Coca-Cola from the 18th century and also a presentation was going on. After that, we got in the line to enter 'The Vault', and it took us almost 20 minutes to get inside, where the various theories of the origin of Coca-Cola were shown.

                                                                           World of Coca-Cola

Tasted coca-cola flavours from around the world and bought souveneirs as well. Around 2:30, we went out to have lunch at Pemberton Cafe, closeby. Then we drove around the city, saw Pietmont Park and got some great views of Atlanta skyline as well.

Left from there at 3:30, for our next destination - Savannah.

                                                           Tickets to the world of Coca-Cola

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Road Trip Dairy : 1

My first blog of this year 2012. Looking back at last year, it was a great one in many ways; we visited so many places, attented my brother's wedding, enjoyed movies, shopping and of-course time together. It was an awesome year and we also had a perfect new year's eve.

A 10-day road trip, all the way to Miami - which was fabulous. The trip was totally unplanned and we left on 24th december @ 6 in the evening, just five hours after my husband came up with the idea.

                                                        Our route from Bayonne to Miami, on map !!

Had dinner on the way, and by 10 in the night, we were bypassing Baltimore, Maryland. And around 10:30, we bypassed Washington D.C., Goddard Space Centre and Nasa Office. And drove through six states - New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, D.C. to Virginia. It was definitely a smooth drive all the way to Richmond, where we arrived around 12 in the night.

The following day, we planned to see the city. We left the hotel at 10:15 in the morning, for Monument Avenue Historic District, known for the statue of Robert E. Lee and many others and its beautiful architecture. From there, we went around the city and also saw the place where my husband stayed for sometime few years back. Around 1:30, we had amazing mediterranean lunch and left for Jamestown.

                                                                       Statue of Robert E. Lee