Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Amazing : Olympics 2012

Very first Olympic 2012 match I saw was a women's fencing match and from then on, it became a habit of sort for me to watch the games whenever possible. 

London Olympics started with the Opening Ceremony on the 27th of July; and the grand show of sports began. It was amazing to see the great line-up of various games, such competitive athletes and the excitement among people.

I don't recall myself watching a handball or a table tennis game ever, but this Olympics changed it all. Since then, I have been glued to the tv - and saw my first women's handball preliminary match between France and Norway, what a superb match it was. Both the teams were equally good and were neck to neck in the competition till France won by one point.

The first round of men's singles table tennis match between Latvia and Canada, was great as the players were so swift in the game, it was almost unbelievable to see them play. And the preliminary basketball match between USA and France was so interesting, everyone played their best but only one team could win and that was USA.

Women's weightlifting match was laudable too, the chinese Li Xueying scored the highest and she definitely had the edge over her competitors from the beginning. Can't imagine how difficult it must be to lift 58 kgs of weight, that's humongous.

All these and many-many more matches were worth watching and I tried my best to follow most of the games all through. But somehow the Finals/Medal matches still hold that special place and that goes for everyone, I guess.

The semi-final Men's Water Polo match between Croatia and Montenegro was a thrilling match till the end, though Croatia won, both the teams were commendable. And I can't forget the Men's Beach Volleyball Bronze medal match, it was superb, such great players and it was so hard to predict the winner. It was a nerve-racking match and Latvia won its first Olympic medal against Netherlands.

Then the women's badminton doubles-Gold medal match was great, China won against Japan.
And the Wrestling gold medal match between USA and Ukraine was an exceptional one, both the competitors were focused and given a situation, both of them could have won.  

The most exciting of them was - the final lap of Men's Pentathlon, it was brutal, seriously its beyond imagination how these athletes complete and then even go on winning in such arduous competitions. All three winners were up to the mark, and 'the last few seconds are very important' was proved in this competition, when Svoboda of Czeck Republic over took Cao Z of China in the final seconds. Such impossible determination deserves much more than an applause.

Usain Bolt's and Micheal Phelps's spectacular record finishes were outstanding as well. Seeing such tremendous performances by the best athletes from around the globe was extraordinary. The closing ceremony was held on 12th August, two days back and that brought to a close a fortnight of sports extravaganza.

It was a delight to write down my wonderful experience of Olympics 2012. It sure is the greatest celebration of sports in the world.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Boston : It is !!

Vibrant and full of life, is the apt description for the city of Boston. It boasts of a rich history, great architecture, wide open green spaces, scenic coastline and an eclectic mix of people from all around the world.

We planned our trip for the 28th of April, 2011 along with my parents. It was our first trip with them and we tried to visit all the famous places. Accordingly, we started early in the morning around 7 and drove for almost five hours with two stops on the way for gas and breakfast.

Arrived at our destination around 12, parked the car across the street from Quincy Market and moved on to the market area. Quite a cheerful place it was, with loud music and swarming crowds, it sure was the central point of the city. All of us were happy to be out after a long drive, and enjoyed chocolate ice-creams while watching a street performance.

                                                                     Quincy Market

With a multitude of fast food centers, restaurants and shops; it was a great place to start our trip to the city. Next, we had the Harvard tour lined up at 2, so we had some light brunch and left for Harvard Square where the group was supposed to meet. Luckily, we found a great parking spot on Massachusetts Ave which was quite close to the meeting point and we were there just in time. The guide was waiting for everyone to turn up and we happened to be the first ones.

Then we were introduced to the tour guide who herself was a current student of Harvard. She gave a brief overview and began the tour with seven more people along with us. Her explanation of the university and its history was very informative and she kept it light by dropping in some witty jokes here and there.

She even went around to show us the favorite eating joints for the students. The tour went on for an hour or so. It was a great experience for us, as we all wanted to see this celebrated institution up close. 


After that, it was time for some refreshments, we stopped by a local pizzeria and had some delicious food. Next on the list was Prudential Center, we were there around 3:30. A great shopping place, we picked up a few souvenirs and bought our tickets for the duck tour. Around 4:30, we came out and got in the line for the ride - our very first on an amphibious truck called 'Duck'.

The driver was hilarious, he took us around the well-known areas of the city while giving us some funny one-liners and of-course the occasional 'quack-quacks' on the way. Best part of the ride was when we splashed into the Charles River, it was a different feeling. The ride on the water was great too as we got stunning views of Boston and Cambridge skylines.


From there, we were driven back to the prudential center after more than an hour of sightseeing and then, it was time to leave. We began our journey around 6:30 and made it back home by 12:30, with a dinner stop in between.

Overall, it was a wonderful trip and we had the most fun.