Monday, October 29, 2012

It's Hurricane 'Sandy' this year !

Last year it was hurricane 'Irene' and this year its 'Sandy'. All the attention has been shifted from elections and the news channels have been on it since yesterday i.e. 28th of October, 2012. Its a category 1 hurricane and is been called frankenstorm due to its size and the devastating effect it may have. 

Everyone has been rushing to get food supplies and we did the same as well. Quite similar to last year, this time also we have a stocked refrigerator and luckily, we were able to get some last packets of bread and a flash light left in the store. And also got the car tank filled up. The phones are on charging and have enough batteries for other things.

The winds are very strong right now with gusts of upto 50 mph and it has been raining consistently since yesterday. And the hurricane is expected to be on land by evening.

Got a call from the mayor last evening for details about the emergency shelters and the phone numbers of emergency care. Today again, there was a call in the morning for evacuation for people living up to the south of 3rd street. We are on the 4th street quite close to water, hopefully we won't have to move. And there's also a citywide curfew from 6 p.m. today, so no moving around unless essential.

Hoping for the best !

Definitely didn't expect it to be this bad. There were crazy winds and heavy rains and to top it all, there was power outage too.

2nd November, 2012 -  Stayed without power for almost five days. We lost power on Monday (29th October) around  8:30 p.m. It was restored by friday (2nd November, 2012) afternoon. Quite a different experience it was, I could imagine how our ancestors must have lived when there was no concept of electricity.