Sunday, May 10, 2009

Travel: Hampi saga continues

Further down the road, there's Udana Veerbadra Temple, which is still an active temple of Lord Vishnu. And another temple near it is a ruined one, again a beautiful temple. We kept going on the same way, to discover mre amazing structures. Then, on the right side of the road ahead, we saw Sister rock, these are two rocks joined at the top or more like two boulders leaning on each other; just amazing.Then we were near the Underground temple, known as Pataleshwara Temple, its ceiling is at the ground level. Another interesting thing we saw was that canal water always through this temple and beacuse of that the main complex where the shivlinga was kept it was filled with water, making it tough to go inside. But we took another route from the side and climbed inside, the view was great. The water has been logged there for so long, that even small fishes were there.

From there, we went on to see the Commander's Fort, completely in ruins, with only some structures visible. and right oposite to it are recently excavated palaces in the Nobleman's quarters. Right ahead on the road, there's the zenana enclosure, to the elft of the enclosure lies the octagonal basement of the queen's palace. And on the right is the beautiful Lotus Mahal. Right outside the enclosure, there's the elephant stables in the open area, which was used as parade ground. From a path to the right of elephant stables, a way through fields leads to the group of jain temples. And the way along the enclosure wall outside, one can find the ganigitti temple, with a big Lord Hanuman's figure carved in stone.