Saturday, May 21, 2011

25 Paise coin: A collector's dream now

RBI signs 25 paise 'death' warrant - Indian Express, this is how a post on the newspaper's website looked like on May 18, 2011. Yes, RBI has decided to do away with the coins of 25 paise and less with effect from June 30, this year. And it has also asked the public to exchange these coins at the banks. Once all coins are collected, the central bank is expected to melt them and use the metal for something else.

Well, am not shocked to hear that, as I haven't been using 25 paise coins, let alone these, I haven't even used a 50 paise coin for so long now. As I remember, i once gave an auto guy two 50 paise coins instead of giving one rupee and the auto guy didn't take it as he said, he won't be able to use it; so I had to give him a rupee coin instead. And I think, I gave him those coins as I was also not able to use these. So, finally those coins went to my coin collection and I don't recall, using 50 paise coins ever again.

These coins were anyways out of use and the government can very well do away with these; but yes, there will always be people who might have their reasons against it.

Not just coins, even one and two rupee notes are also extinct now; and even the five rupee note seems to have disappeared; since the coin came out; but i do have a crumbled five rupee note.

But am sad about one thing, as am not able to find any 25 paise coins for my collection, I hope there are some back home in India. And i also need to get my hands on to some one and two rupee notes, if those are somehow available.

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