Friday, February 12, 2010

Today: Here is, where you are

Does that ring any bells?

Here is, where you are, holds true in many ways. It resembles closely to our lives, like living in the present. The past and the future definitely stays on the mind, but the present is what we are living. That determines the path we may take later. But yes, today is what one has to make use of. As Khalil Gibran said, ' Yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream'.

Secondly, it is also very positive- in the sense that one should not crib about the situation they are in, rather one should do what is required at that point of time. One should work towards a goal, rather than being disheartened for not being able to do something because of the present constraints. So without spoiling it, we should look at it as an opportunity. As Leo Buscaglia said 'Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy'.

Live for today !!!