Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Avocado: Flavored with Nutrients

Avocado, also known as butter Pear, is an excellent source of many nutrients. It is cultivated mostly in the tropical countries like Mexico, Caribbean. It is rich in many vitamins and minerals and is a complete food in itself. One can easily say- Avocado is a nutrient-rich flavorful fruit.

Looking at the nutrient list shows that, one cup of Avocado, Cubes (150 gm) provides 25% of the daily intake of Vitamin C, 39% of daily intake of Vitamin K, 16% of daily intake of Vitamin E, 30% of daily intake of Folate, 19% of daily intake of Vitamin B6 , 21% of daily intake of Potassium, 21% of daily intake of Pantothenic Acid and has 240 calories. And it is also a good source of Riboflavin (11%), Niacin (13%), Magnesium (11%), Copper (14%) and Manganese (11%). Thats a long list of nutrients, although the calories are on the higher side, it is still a complete source of  vitamins and minerals.

Not just the nutrients, it is also an excellent source of fiber, which has many health benefits. Avocado oil is used in cosmetics too. And avocados are also the famous 'Baby Foods'. The MUFAs (Mono-unsaturated Fatty acids), in avocados helps in reduction of Cholesterol. Avocados should be included in healthy diet plans as it has far-reaching positive effects on health.

Avocados go really well with apples, onions or can be combined with many other available fruits and vegetables as part of salads.

It provides balance to the recipes, gives it a healthy kick and provides the nutritional advantage. An All-Rounder by all means.

For Nutrition facts: