Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Magical: Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls, one of the seven natural wonders of the world and also one of the places we wanted to visit for so long. After the thousand island cruise, we left for Rochester, which is almost 1.5 hours from there. We checked in hotel Rochester Plaza for the night.

It was our second wedding anniversary next day. In the morning, we got ready early and left for Niagara around 7 in the morning. We were there at 9, with a breakfast stop in between. We went in for the IMAX movie on Niagara history. It was an hour long movie, from here we went to the ticket window to get the tickets for 'Maid of the Mist' ride. Then as it was the long weekend, so lots of people, we had to get in a line on the observation deck. Finally we got our blue coats and got on the ship. And the magical time began right then.

We got the corner place to stand on the cruise, as you get the best views of the falls. And in minutes, we were surrounded by clouds of mist, it was so perfect. As we drew closer to the American Falls, it felt like water was falling on us, we had to struggle to keep our eyes open to soak in the beauty of the majestic Niagara. It was surely the most beautiful sight, i had ever imagined. The next was the Horseshoe Falls, it seemed like water was everywhere, dense mist but ya, again a breathtaking site. Then cruise took a U-turn and we started moving away, it was so sad to go away from those beautiful moments so soon.

                                                                                  American Falls

We got off and went to the stairs, to get closer to the falls again. People in blue coats were everywhere climbing the stairs to see the falls closely, we also went to the top to soak in some more of Niagara mist. We spent some time there and then went back to the observation deck and clicked pictures, which we couldn't do all this time.

                                                                                   Horseshoe Falls

From there, we went to the State Park, and enjoyed the views. And also went to the souvenir shop and picked up some stuff. And then it was time for some food, we went to the food court close-by and enjoyed a good Indian meal. Then it was time to go back. The trip was amazing and went on smoothly.