Monday, February 14, 2011

Rising Temperatures and Melting snow

Backyards stacked with snow, Roads littered with melting-salts, Sidewalks layered with slippery ice, Roof-tops covered with white-blankets, Trees frozen in time, Shoes drenched in cold water  - that was the winter saga. 

But, yes, summer is finally knocking on the door. With the days of chilly winters ending, its time for the sun to shine bright. The temperatures are rising and the snow piled up on the sidewalks is thinning by the day; and finally theres some place to walk. The weather this time has changed sooner than last year, as it snowed heavily last February till the end of the month. 

A big relief for sure, and it feels great to see the temperatures in 50's F. And now, with the perfect weather, in the background, its the right time for shopping in New York. Last week, I went to Macy's on Broadway and had a wonderful time shopping. And am hoping to continue with it (he he). And the list of movies, we see every weekend is also increasing. This weekend we saw 'Patiala House' and 'Just go with it'; both the movies were hilarious and houseful. But the only problem with watching a movie with a big crowd is that, if you are late, you end up getting the front row seats which are uncomfortable (that's really irritating).

Well, its been a great month by far and with the summer creeping in, am sure it will continue to be. So the countdown to summer begins !!