Tuesday, January 22, 2013

California Vacation: San Francisco day 2

Next day, we had plans to drive down the crookedest street and then go straight to fisherman's wharf, we did the same. After leaving from hotel, we drove to the Russian hill and then drove down the crooked street, it was super fun. Very different from just looking at it from afar. And after the crazy turns and bends, we left for fisherman's wharf. Parked our car and walked towards the bay, we clicked some pictures on the way as well. 

We spent quite a while around that area and then moved on to Pier 39 to see the sea lions. And it was super crowded, we also joined others and it was very different to see sea lions out in the open rather than in an aquarium. They were so playful and seems to be enjoying the sun on a cold day. We clicked pictures and even climbed up to the 2nd floor deck to have a good view.

                                                                           Pier 39

Then, we explored more of pier 39, with the shops and restaurants - it was quite a tourist attraction. Around 1, we decided to have an early lunch and went to Neptune's Palace for a delicious meal. The bay side view and the food, made it a memorable experience to take back home. And then, we walked towards ghirardelli square to take the cable ride. Got in the line and waited for our turn. It was really slow, but we had no choice - so waited for about half an hour before getting on the car, it was filled to the brim before they started it.

And there began our bumpy ride, it was really different - went up and down the steep roads of San Francisco. And we all were holding on to the side railings and after many stops in between, we got off at union square, the downtown area of the city. Another beautiful part of the city, a typical downtown with tall buildings but it definitely was unique as it had that san francisco  touch. The cable car runs through it, the roads go up & down steeply, the architecture and the California crowd - all these made it different from other down-towns like Manhattan.

                                                           Our tickets for the cable car ride

We spent quite sometime there, clicked pictures and enjoyed the fun atmosphere. And then took a cab back to ghirardelli square for the heavenly hot cocoa and sat outside on the same seats as yesterday. We were there for a while and then walked across the street towards the beach. Many people were swimming, and there were even some kids playing on the beach in such cold weather. We sat there for a long time, and enjoyed the views. It was so relaxing to just sit by the beach and look at the sunset. It was a perfect setting to soak in some more of the beautiful views.

And then it was time for dinner, we went to Joe's Crab Shack for a fun night of mouthwatering food and in-house entertainment. It sure can be called - 'ending on a high note'. Yes, that was our last dinner of the vacation before heading home. We had the most amazing time and it was one of the best vacations ever.