Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bronx Zoo Visit: The Last leg

We came to our favorite part of the visit, the Big Bears Exhibit.

Big Bears - The brown ones were the 'Grizzly Bears', there were four of them running here and there in the pool. One of them was relaxing in the pool for a long time, whereas the other three were playing and after some time they ran up the hill. The one which was left behind was eying a duck for a long time and the moment he got a chance he tried to catch it, but the duck flew. Then he ran to the other side and tried again but to no avail, and he tried once more, but the duck was too quick. In the end, he sat defeated in the pool again. It looked so cute, when it was jumping around to catch hold of that duck. Seeing that, now i can't imagine that these cute bears can hurt human beings. And according to facts also, they usually avoid humans and eat mostly berries, quite unlike their grizzly tales. Mostly 6-7 ft tall, they live in the interior parts of North America. 

Polar Bear - The big white furry guy was lying down resting his head on a rock, it looked so dazed. The polar bear was resting alone. They are almost 6 - 8 ft tall and are known as the largest land carnivore and are also considered marine mammals. They are definitely the cutest bears possible. 

                                                                 Polar Bear

Himalayan Highlands - On our way to the next exhibit, the Himalayan Highlands. And there we were, trying to find some space among the crowd to get a glimpse of the Snow Leopard, the graceful cat. They do not roar but do make others sounds. One of the most beautiful animals, I have ever seen. Red panda, was also a part of the Himalayan highlands, coiled up on a tree, it seemed as if it was hiding its face. The cute red panda looked like a stuff toy. They are known to have retractable claws like a housecat's. 

From here, we went straight to the Tiger hill, to see the mighty tigers. Tiger Mountain - Tigers are the largest of the five species of big cats. There were two of them, who were taking rounds of the whole stretch, as if they were looking for something.

Madagascar - The next stop was the Madagascar exhibit, full of never-seen-before animals. Coqueral's Sitaka, with white and brown fur body and a black face, they look distinct from other varieties. And they were jumping and leaping off the trees and were even hanging upside down. Then there was Collared Lemur, Ring Tailed Lemur, Fossa and Red Ruffed Lemur.

                                                                 Ring  Tailed Lemur

Last but not the least, the sea lions, as no show can end without some acrobatic moves by these ever-friendly eared seals. It was a beautiful endnote to our visit to the zoo. We enjoyed it thoroughly.