Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Otarian: Low Carbon Restaurant

Well, I have heard of 'Vegetarian', 'Non-Vegetarian', 'Eggitarian' but never heard of 'Otarian' till some days back.

Its a new restaurant named 'Otarian' which opened on April 19th in NY, which is also called 'The Planet's Low-Carbon Restaurant'. This is definitely a right step towards a 'Sustainable Earth', as pointed out by the Otarians. It is owned by an Indian - Radhika Oswal, wife of billionaire Pankaj Oswal.

Completely vegetarian and a look at the menu shows - yummy food with less amount of Carbon emissions than the usual. In the category of soups, theres Roasted Tomato Soup - which saves 0.2 kg of Carbon Emissions. And the Otarian Vegetarian burger saves almost 0.98 kg of carbon emissions. Our very own Vegetable biryani when compared to Lamb biryani saves 2.07 kg of emissions. For the people who can't do without desserts, theres a chocolate cake n chocolate mousse with added sweetness of carbon saving.

The ingredient policy 'sourcing with the lowest environmental impact' makes the Otarian recipes different.

So, with a menu that satisfies, and also help us contribute towards a better Earth, Otarian provides a great option. Am definitely having an Otarian lunch.