Sunday, March 07, 2010

Awesome: 4D Cinema Experience

A visit to Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum was incomparable. We didn't expect such an experience, especially when we entered the hall for a 10 minute movie. Though we had heard, that in a 4D experience the chairs move and you feel like a part of the situation. As we went in, we were given the red and blue glasses. We settled in our chairs and in moments we were in a different place. The sponge-bob, burger and things flying here and there.

When the wood cutter comes with a knife, you feel like he is gonna chop your head off. And then, another guy throws water from his mouth and yuck! it falls on you. The bubbles start pouring out and the very next minute, you get hit in your back. In the end, you are so close to getting sucked into the monster's mouth.

After all this when you take off the glasses, its like coming to some other place. Its an awesome experience. A must watch for everyone