Sunday, November 14, 2010

Celebrations: Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving, a festival celebrated in many countries; is a time to express thankfulness to God, family and friends for all the blessings and it is also the harvest festival of the year. The first Thanksgiving  in United States, was celebrated in 1621, when the native Americans and the European settlers shared a feast. It became an official holiday in 1863, and was celebrated on the last Thursday of November till 1939, when it was moved to the third Thursday of November.

The festival today is celebrated with elaborate meals and family get-together. And some things have become synonymous with Thanksgiving.

Turkey - The most important part of the meal on Thanksgiving day, as turkey and its trimmings adorn every dinner table this day.

Thanksgiving Parade - The most awaited part is the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade in New York, this year the annual 84th Parade is on November 25th. Extravaganza !!

                                                                      Thanksgiving Parade 

Pumpkin Pie - Another traditional food served on Thanksgiving day is the yummy pumpkin pie, the sweetest thing about the festival.

Football - A game of football is a must on this day, since the first championship held in 1876.

Cracking the Wishbone - The wishbone from a turkey is saved and after the dinner, it is broken to get a bigger half as the saying goes, whoever gets the bigger part, their wish comes true.

Travel - Nowadays, it has also become a time for vacation because of a long weekend and families plan for this holiday long before.

                                                                    Spongebob Squarepants

So, as the time to eat pumpkin pie and watch the parade is just around the corner, am all geared up for vacation time.

Happy Thanksgiving !!