Friday, May 27, 2011

Podcast Mania it is !

Podcast Mania; from the time I wake up in the morning, I put on the latest pod-casts on my phone and listen to these whenever possible. So, am like listening while sitting in front of the computer, while working, sometimes while am eating and almost for an hour before sleeping. It has become a big part of my daily routine, I can't imagine early mornings without the news updates from my favorite podcasts.

My current favorites are the Global News,  BBC World Update, NPR hourly news and Front Page; all these are the regular podcasts, I listen to, in the mornings. And these are really good, as you can stay updated with the all the news while working and you don't have to take out time for it separately. 

Not just the news, there are some great podcasts on health and nutrition like Beyond Diet, The Jillian Michaels Show, Get-Fit Guy's tips to slim down, The Health Show and many-many more. And these are very informative and give you an insight into the diet trends, workout regimes and tips on leading a healthy life. 

Apart from these, there are some amazing pod-casts on Business and Industry as well, some of my favorites are Wall Street Journal this morning, NPR Planet Money, NPR Business story of the Day. These are so interesting to listen to and keep you well-informed about the current trends in the world.

Well, there's a plethora of pod-casts on various topics like Comedy, Games, Music and Sports. So, there's a lot more to explore in the world of Pod-casts and I can very well say that, we are spoilt for choices when it comes to Pod-casts.