Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bowling @ Bowlmor Lanes

We went for Bowling last weekend @ Bowlmor Lanes, New York and had a fantastic time. Played three games each and the funny part is that both of us had the same scores at the end of the third game, so it was a tie. And the two hours spent in the famous Bowlmor Lanes were so much fun, especially with food to snack on alongside.

                                                     Bowlmor Lanes, Union Square, NY

Bowling - Knocking down all the ten pins with a ball, is the most simple understanding of the game. Well, the game has a history, according to which it started with the primitive form of nine pins/stones game and a stone ball used to be rolled. According to USBC, it originated in ancient Germany and since then the game has evolved. And 'The first permanent American bowling location probably was for lawn bowling, in New York's Battery area', International Bowling Museum (see link below). New York became the first site for the game in America and today, it is played in more than 90 countries.

The game is played in various formats like 10-pin game- the most common format with 10 pins to be knocked down with a ball, 9-pin no tap- considered a strike if bowler knocks down 9 or 10 pins, 3-6-9 game - bowler gets a strike in 3rd, 6th and 9th frames; best ball and baker system. Quite an interesting game.

Definitely, a fun game to enjoy with friends and have a good time. More-so, in a place like Bowlmor Lanes, which has awesome ambiance and is also frequently visited by celebrities (saw pins signed by many famous names in the gallery like Christina Applegate, Backstreet Boys and more).

We enjoyed bowling after a long time and will definitely try to do it more often from now on.
