Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer: is officially on !!!

Yesterday, my day began with a 'Happy Summer Solstice' greeting on one of the pod-casts. Yes, yesterday was June 21st, the first official summer day. And the day was unusually longer as compared to normal days.

Its the Summer solstice, that results in the longest day and the shortest night of the year, the sun sets later than the usual days. The word Summer 'Solstice', derived from Latin words; means 'sun' and 'to stand still'; so the sun seems to stand still that day. The Northern hemisphere has it in June and the Southern part in December.

Though, unofficially summer began long back in may itself, with temperatures in high 70s and glaring sun in the afternoons. But officially it began yesterday.

And with summer ringing in, the to-do list also looks a little different; now it includes going to the beach, enjoying rides in amusement parks, spending more time outdoors, visiting the zoo and many more and of-course, how can I forget applying loads of sunscreen before heading out. So, am all set to enjoy the summer with my to-do list.

Cheers to a Bright Summer !!