Thursday, July 07, 2011

Scenic: New York Botanical Garden 3

We reached the 'Ross Gallery and Lecture Hall', to watch the famous 'Flamenco among the Flowers show' which stated at 3. The performance was great, as one of the artists played guitar, the other one played a drum and the third artist danced on the Spanish tunes. It was definitely something very different, totally worth the time. 

The show was over by 3.45, and we moved on to the 'Mertz Library', to see the historical views of the Alhambra; the gallery had some rare prints and photographs of the palaces and the fortress complex in Spain. It was amazing to see such a brilliant collection, and it was completely in sync with the Spanish themed show, we saw before.

Next, on the list was the cafe, yes it was time to grab a bite in the nearby cafe and also to buy some souvenirs from the breathtaking garden shop. After savouring some tasty sandwiches and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies; we went to see the reflecting pool, which was right on the way back from the garden shop.

And clicked some nice pictures around the pool and went straight ahead to the 'Haupt Conservatory', another Spanish link, with some very pretty plants and flowing fountains. The place looked mesmerizing and we sure had a great time.

Then it was time to leave, as the garden closes at 5.30. We made our way back through the daffodil path and came out. We had an incredible time and loved seeing the beauty of the botanical garden, the best way to spend a bright summer day.