Monday, September 26, 2011

Visit to the Dentist

Getting a tooth extraction or a root canal, can be terrifying for anyone. And seeing a dentist for a routine check-up can be worrisome too, as you never know what might be the next step. I had an appointment last Friday, and believe me, I was not at all glad about it.

Still, made it just in time for the afternoon appointment and had to wait for a little while. Then the lady, called me in for an X-ray of my teeth, and it took her twenty minutes to finish with that. As the examination involves, placing a sensor inside the mouth to get pictures of the teeth, bones and tissues around it to find out if there are any cavities or other problems.

Then, the report was shown to the dentist, he looked at it carefully and said that there was absolutely nothing wrong with my teeth. And it was such a relief to hear that. But I was supposed to get cleaning done, irrespective of the fact that my pearly whites were in perfect condition.

I was kind of nervous about the cleaning, but it was done within a short time. And I got a good lesson on flossing as well.

Definitely, after this appointment, I feel less scared about seeing a dentist again.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Strange Bus Stops: Around the World

Yesterday, I received a forwarded mail from my sister titled 'Best Bus stops in the World". It was quite an interesting mail, quite unusual too. There were various pictures of bus stops from all over the world, very different from the regular ones, we see everyday. And here I am, writing about it.

The very first picture elevated my curiosity, as there was a girl riding a swing while waiting for a bus to come by, what a fun idea to kill time. Second one, looked like a cozy hut painted in red and white, just the perfect spot on a cold winter day. And the third one, seemed like an environmentalist's dream, with the top of the structure covered with grass, brilliant idea. 

Next one, was an example of modern architecture with gliding roofs, very well designed to provide high-tech shade to the would-be passengers. The fifth picture, was right out of a science fiction movie, dark and angular on the outside, lights glowing from inside, although I couldn't figure out any place for people to sit. The following image was bizarre to say the least, it must have been a football goal post before being converted to a bus stop. 

A garden abode for the tired and weary soul, a perfect description for the next picture in the mail, totally smashing the notion of 'waiting is frustrating'. The next one was stranger than all the others, shaped like a vending machine with glass doors in the front, its so much fun to imagine someone putting in quarters to let the person out, hilarious.

The next bus stop definitely came out of history, am sure, it must have been carved out from a huge dinosaur's skeleton and coated in white paint; which could be easily broken into pieces just by thinking of sitting on the molded seats, eeiks!! As cute as a strawberry, the following one can be regarded as the biggest strawberry ever and one can even lounge around inside it, very cool, isn't it.

This time, its watermelon, yes you guessed it right, another fruity bus stop and one can sit inside this one too, what a revelation. Following image, showcased as a plain steel and glass back wall frame, very simplistic and clean finish. The most creative of them all, was the thirteenth photo, as the formation seemed to be cut out of a school bus, so imaginative.

Subsequent picture, resembled a riverside resort view where one could hang out in the hammock swing, what a relaxing way to spend time awaiting a bus's arrival and there's an even better way to do that, just grab a chair inside a glass tunnel and read a book, as displayed in the next image.

Coming to a close and only two more to go, where one was designed like a log hut supported by stone pillars in the Yosemite Park and the other one, a picture of a flooded bus stop in Mumbai.

All this can be very well, termed as 'innovative remodeling' as it changes the entire idea of a classic - 'point of pick-up shelter' used by people around the world as bus stops.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Beachy Saturday on Coney Island !!

After the stay-at-home weekend during the hurricane scare, this Saturday was perfect to soak in the sun on the beautiful sandy beach of Coney Island, NY. We planned to be there by afternoon, and reached their by 4 p.m. Though late by all standards, we did manage to get the perfect spot on the ever so-crowded stretch along the water. 

                                                                     Coney Island, NY

Just like any other beach, Coney Island also has easily identifiable characteristics - huge umbrellas, beach mats, hungry seagulls, street food, beach-side restaurant, lots of sunshine, kids with their colorful buckets and shovels; sand castles, sea-shells, lifeguard stands and of-course people who just want to relax on a lazy Saturday afternoon, which make it a big attraction during summers. We also placed our beach mats, relaxed and enjoyed the cool breeze and clicked some pictures.

Then it was time to take a dip in the cold water, yes! the water was actually very cold; but it was so much fun to get pushed around by waves and to feel the sand slipping away under the feet. 

                                                              Fully stocked shade along the shore

Around 6, the life-guard started whistling and it meant that it was just about time to come away from the water. Not many people paid heed to it, and continued whatever they were doing before. But within, an hour, people started packing up; and it was time for us also to leave. 

In all, we had a great time and came back with some stunning shots of sunset on the beach and lots of sand in our clothes.