Sunday, September 04, 2011

Beachy Saturday on Coney Island !!

After the stay-at-home weekend during the hurricane scare, this Saturday was perfect to soak in the sun on the beautiful sandy beach of Coney Island, NY. We planned to be there by afternoon, and reached their by 4 p.m. Though late by all standards, we did manage to get the perfect spot on the ever so-crowded stretch along the water. 

                                                                     Coney Island, NY

Just like any other beach, Coney Island also has easily identifiable characteristics - huge umbrellas, beach mats, hungry seagulls, street food, beach-side restaurant, lots of sunshine, kids with their colorful buckets and shovels; sand castles, sea-shells, lifeguard stands and of-course people who just want to relax on a lazy Saturday afternoon, which make it a big attraction during summers. We also placed our beach mats, relaxed and enjoyed the cool breeze and clicked some pictures.

Then it was time to take a dip in the cold water, yes! the water was actually very cold; but it was so much fun to get pushed around by waves and to feel the sand slipping away under the feet. 

                                                              Fully stocked shade along the shore

Around 6, the life-guard started whistling and it meant that it was just about time to come away from the water. Not many people paid heed to it, and continued whatever they were doing before. But within, an hour, people started packing up; and it was time for us also to leave. 

In all, we had a great time and came back with some stunning shots of sunset on the beach and lots of sand in our clothes.