Saturday, August 27, 2011

Tracking the Hurricane

Finally, the serious Hurricane Irene warning is here and in effect for the East Coast. We heard about it on Friday and after talking to one of my friends, we also got into the mode of caution. And that has lead to a fully stocked fridge, cooked food to last a day or two, tapes on the windows and probably a complete weekend spent at home watching t.v. and eating.

Staying at home all weekend will be such a waste of a summer weekend but of course hurricane arrives at its pleasure. So, like normal weekends, we went to the mall this (Saturday) morning, and had to come back in few hours, as it started raining heavily. The day, definitely has been gloomy right from the morning, it has been cloudy and dark and its been raining on & off.

And coming to, hurricane tracking, it was in North Carolina in the morning and now in the evening it is all the way up to D.C.

According to the weather forecast, the hurricane will be reaching the jersey shore tonight with very high winds and heavy rains; and there might be power outages too. Let's see, what happens.

28th August -8:00 a.m : Just woke up, its raining heavily outside along with strong winds. Another dark and gloomy day. And no power outage.

3:15 p.m. : Enjoying a cool and breezy summer afternoon, great after-effect of Hurricane Irene, which went away quietly.

29th  August : Woke up to a sunny morning. And life is back to normal.