Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Guava: Tasteful Health

Guava, a tasty tropical fruit. It is very nutritious and is a ready to eat fruit because of its edible skin and seeds. And with easy availability of guavas all round the year, its a refreshing addition to salads and other recipes. A Vitamin C loaded fruit, it provides far more than the daily requirement. 

Looking at the nutrient list shows that, one cup of Guava (165 gm) is an excellent source of many nutrients, as it provides a whopping 628% of the daily intake of Vitamin C, 21% of daily intake of Vitamin A, 20% of daily intake of Folate, 20% of daily intake of Potassium, 19% of daily intake of Copper and has 112 calories. And it is also a good source of Niacin (9%), Vitamin B6 (9%), Manganese (12%) and Magnesium (9%). Thats a long list of nutrients, making it a rich source of vitamins and minerals.

It also provides 36% of the daily intake of Dietary Fiber, which has many health benefits like lowering cholesterol and the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. Given all these advantages, Guava must be made a part of healthy diet plans.

It is mostly eaten raw or with some sprinkling of salt or sauces. And it makes a good snack option and a perfect ingredient for fruit salads. Guavas - Tasteful Health everyday. 
