Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cantaloupe: Vitamin Rich Melon

Cantaloupe, also known as muskmelon; is a famous variety of melons. It is full of essential vitamins and has minimal calories and these two reasons make it one of the best fruits to have whether you are watching your weight or just want to eat something refreshing. It makes a great guilt-free fruit salad and has a sweet aroma too. 

Looking at the nutrient list shows that, one cup of cantaloupe provides 103.2% of the daily intake of Vitamin A, 112.5% of the daily intake of Vitamin C, 5% of daily intake of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), 6% of daily intake of Niacin, 6% of daily intake of Vitamin B6, 14% of daily intake of Potassium and 53 calories - this list surely makes it a very nutritious fruit option. So cantaloupes make it possible to get your recommended amounts of vitamins needed to lead a healthy life.

It definitely tastes the best when eaten raw, but there are also some very interesting ways to have your favorite fruit. One easy recipe from my mom's kitchen is always a hit with both children and adults and it is cantaloupe pieces soaked in milk. For this, you need :

1 Cup Cantaloupe - peeled, seeded and diced
1 Cup skim Milk
2 spoons of sugar - to taste (optional, if the cantaloupe is not sweet enough)
Nuts (sliced), (optional)

Just put all ingredients together in a bowl and put it in the refrigerator for an hour or two. Serve cold and another way is to put all these ingredients in a blender with ice and serve it as a smoothie.  Am sure everyone will enjoy these delightful and tasty recipes; especially, in summers.

Without doubt, Cantaloupes are a must for any healthy diet plan. A nutritious and tasty option for all.

For Nutrition Facts: