Monday, June 07, 2010

Unbelievable: Ripley's Believe it or not

We visited the Ripley's Believe it or not 'Odditorium', NY yesterday. It was a sudden plan and we booked our tickets online right away. It was unbelievable, as we saw such strange and bizarre things; which can make anyone think, 'that its not possible'. 

I should start writing the blog, with something about Mr. Robert Ripley, who started it all. He began by selling a cartoon to the life magazine and after his believe it or not cartoon took off, he became a traveler looking for the oddest things. And odditorium is the place where all his collectibles are showcased to the public. The entrance to the museum is grand with a chinese dragon mega gate. 

A life size horse made of car bumpers greeted us at the museum entrance. On the other side of the entrance was the bearded lady, and then there was the skeleton of the largest crocodile ever coming out of the ceiling. It lived during the Jurassic age, a 40 feet long crocodile from Africa and used to eat dinosaurs (Strange!!). The next was the General Tom Thumb's pictures and shoes, he was the world's most famous midget and was only 3'4'' tall. His shoes looked like tiny doll shoes and in comparison to that there were shoes worn by the tallest man Robert Wadlow, 8' 11'' giant, and his statue looked massive. 

                                                                     Ripley's Believe it or not, NY

The next was the world's smallest car ever driven and a Mercedes made entirely of wood, which was actually not a car but a boat. There was also Johhny Eck, a versatile man born with no legs but could climb a ladder and was also an painter. We tried to measure our hand with the biggest hand possible, a 12.5'' hand of a texan born which is considered the biggest by far. There was also an exhibit of the ugliest woman in the world, with big falling out lips. And there were mirrors too, to see if we could roll our tongues, as it was written there, that 1 in 3 people can roll their tongues, but I was not one of three. And before taking the stairs, there was a giant albino giraffe, on the right, completely white that it didn't even look like the typical giraffes we see

From here, we went to the first floor, and there we saw the figure of the heaviest man, Walter Hudson from New York, who weighed 1400 lbs (635 kgs), with just the soda intake of 2 litres per meal (Humongous !!). There were paintings of people like a sadhu from India, women with a long beard and hair, a wolf faced man and the man with three legs, a man whose face looked exactly like Popeye (must be the source of inspiration) and a woman whose could write with both hands backwards and forward, upwards and downwards too (wow!!). More strange pictures adorned the walls, like the picture of a man who dressed differently on half side of his body and a man whose hands and feet were like crab, Siamese twins.

                                               Woman with beard and long hair