Monday, April 25, 2011

Baltimore Diary : 4

The National Aquarium was on our list, most importantly for the dolphins. So, we got our tickets for a 4:30 pm entry.

                                                     National Aquarium ticket windows

National Aquarium - It was opened in 1981 and includes over 5000 marine and freshwater animals. It had some amazing never-seen before exhibits like Animal Planet Australian exhibit, which had Archerfich, Barramundi, Laughing Kookaburra and Snake-necked Turtle. Other Exhibits had amphibians, many varieties of fishes like Bonnethead Shark, Zebra Shark, Green Moray Eel and Southern Stingray. It was full of some of the most beautiful and colourful fishes, I had ever seen. 

Then, there was the Giant Pacific Octopus, the largest species of octopus in the world. It was hiding, but we could see half of it with its arms stretched out. And from there, we went to the next exhibit, 'Wings in the Water',  where we got to see different kinds of turtles like the green sea turtle, Painted turtle, Giant Amazon sea turtle and many more.

From there, we went to the Marine Mammal Pavilion, and there we were to see the dolphins, yipee!!. It was so good, to see the bottle-nose dolphins swim around in the water, there were four of them and they were jumping out  of the water and back in the pool swimming. And the next and last exhibit for the day was 'Jellies Invasion: Oceans out of Balance', where we saw some of the most stunning jellyfishes ever. They looked so calm and serene, just floating effortlessly in the water.



We clicked some awesome pictures and went on to the cafeteria to grab some food. And we had the yummiest possible thing - the 'Drippin' Dots' , colorful ice-cream dots which melted away in the mouth - for sure the best parting shot ever.

                                                         The great drippin' dots

After the mouth-watering experience, we went out to the inner harbor and soaked in some more of the beautiful sights before heading back to New York. In all, we had a wonderful time in the amazing city of Baltimore.