Monday, April 18, 2011

Easter Sunday

This year, Easter will be celebrated on April 24th, 2011. Easter, 'celebrates Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead' (, so on this day Jesus rose from the dead, the third day after crucification. And it is one of the most important celebrations in Christianity.

It is mostly celebrated between March 22 to April 25. So, the beginning of spring brings with it the Easter eggs and Bunnies; particularly Chocolate Bunnies, Marsh-mellow Bunnies, colorful eggs Baskets, golden eggs and candies and that makes it the sweetest occasion. As the stores are full of these sweet delights during Easter season.

And the easter egg hunts are famous around the country, especially for children, as they have a complete week off from schools to enjoy the festivities. And the Easter pictures are also clicked with a life-sized bunny poster, as yesterday we saw many family pictures being clicked in the mall, with the decorated bunny and eggs. And we picked up a Godiva easter chocolate basket too, amazing chocolates, I must say.

Well, definitely a good time to go out as it is also the long weekend, so looking forward to visiting a new place and eating chocolate bunnies on the way !!
