Friday, April 08, 2011

'Homes For Sale' draws serious attention !!

Homes for Sale , pictures of various houses and 'Prices Reduced' - this is what the board put up right opposite our window said. Yes, a new Realtor had taken up the space which had been vacant for almost an year and the place has started drawing a lot of attention.

The day it was put up, I saw the owner of the building and the new Realtor checking out the board to see how it looked. And then started the attention grabbing time, as almost everyone who passed by gave it a closer look.

A women who was trying to teach her son how to ride a bike, stopped by and read it carefully; she must be thinking about, 'the beautiful house with a huge backyard and lots of space to teach her son how to ride a bicycle right inside the house, that'll be so nice'. 

A man with his two children, on his way home after picking up his children from the school, read it carefully too. He must be thinking, 'It would be so good, to have a house close to the school, so kids could come home by themselves'. 

Another man was talking over phone, stopped by and read the board very carefully. Then he went back on the call, must be telling his wife about the new Realtor in town. 

The mail delivery guy, took few minutes off from his tiring work and gave it a good look. Must be thinking about, the pretty houses and when he'll have one.

And a girl walking the dogs seemed quite interested in it too, but I definitely have no idea what she must be thinking at that point of time.

The 'Homes for Sale' board was sure a hit with the passersby and drew too much attention in all possible ways. Well, i think its time for me also to give it a closer look.