Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Las Vegas Diary: 2

Next day, we left from hotel at 11 in the morning, to 'Hoover Dam', which was almost a 45 minute drive from there. It is one of the most famous tourist places near Las Vegas. 

Built in 1931 and 1936 and is located near Boulder City. It lies at the border of Nevada and Arizona, on the Colorado River. The dam is a National Historic Landmark and was the largest dam of its time. Definitely, its one of the massive structures (726.5 feet high), I have ever seen and looking down at it can actually make your head spin.

En route to Hoover Dam

We arrived at the destination at 12, after a 20 mins wait for the parking spot. And came down to the visitor center, and then on to the see the Dam. Along the way, there were many artworks, like the flagpost and the two-winged figures, a bronze high scaler statue. We walked around the place, and saw some of the most amazing views from the top of the dam and clicked some stunning shots. 

And also saw the border of Nevada and Arizona, where they have put up clocks to see the time difference of one hour between the two sides. Spent almost two hours there and also bought souvenirs. It was a wonderful experience. From there we left for Lake Mead. 

Lake Mead, was about a 10 mins drive from the Dam. Created by the construction of Hoover Dam, as blocking of Colorado River, diverted the water towards Mojave desert leading to the creation of  Lake Mead. It is the largest man-made lake in the US ( area of 1.5 million acres ). 

                                                                         Lake Mead

We entered the Lake Recreation Area, after buying a pass which usually has a validity of seven days. And of course, the next step was to go through the map. to get a fair idea of the area. The closest was Boulder Beach, 5 mins drive from the entrance station and we were on our way to get the first glimpse of the splendid waters. It sure was a captivating sight, with deep blue water enclosed by rock hills along with the perfect blue sky and the peaceful surroundings - it felt like as if we were in the lap of serenity.

Spent some time soaking in the immense beauty of the Lake and clicked some pictures as well. And left for Las Vegas Bay, which was about 15 miles from there. Again, what we saw was unparalleled, the views were just magical. We were there for a while. It was very difficult to leave a place like this but only with a promise of coming back again.