Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Las Vegas Diary: 3

According to the scheme of things, the following day was for the Grand Canyon. Started from the hotel at 8, though we were supposed to leave earlier than that. In total, it was a four and a half hour drive, all the way to the South Rim.

                                                                  On the road to Canyon

We stopped in between for breakfast and then for lunch at Sophie's Mexican Kitchen, just a few miles away from the Canyon. And arrived at the South entrance, at 2:30 (one hour was added due to time difference between Arizona and Nevada). Bought the entry pass, valid for seven days and moved on to the visitor center, where we parked our car. 

                                                             Our Pass to the Grand Canyon

And after studying the map, the first place where we wanted to go was, the 'Mather Point'. So we waited for the shuttle and it took us there in 5 mins. The views from Mather point, were enchanting, totally unbelievable. It definitely should be one of the natural wonders of the world. We enjoyed the scenery and got some pretty amazing shots.

Afterwards, we left for our next pit-stop, and that was 'Yaki Point'. It is one of the famous tourist spots and only shuttle bus can take you there, as cars are not allowed on that road. So we got off there, and surely it also had some awesome views and less crowds. It had a panoramic view of the Canyon. And we had a great time. We got back to the visitor center, did some souvenir shopping. From there, we picked up our car and moved on to see 'Desert View', which was about 25 miles from there.

                                                                 Grand Canyon

Far more than expectation, Desert view was phenomenal. There was a light house and a view that was unmatchable. It had so many points from where one could see the turn in the canyon, it was breathtaking. I don't think, i even have words to describe it. Totally, out of this world. We spent a lot of time there, just relaxing and enjoying the unbeatable landscape over a cup of coffee.

We got back to hotel quite late in the night, as it was a long drive. It was an experience of a lifetime.