Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Revisited : Atlantic City

Saturday evening trip to Atlantic City was a memorable one. Though we had no plans, till 4 in the evening; my husband suggested the place for a short outing and we were on our way at 5:30.

                                                                 Ceasers n Trump Plaza

The drive to the city was about two hours and we arrived at eight, with a stop in between at Dunkin' Donuts to grab some refreshments for the way. We parked the car and went straight to the boardwalk, to retrace our steps from the last visit in April, 2010. It was like reliving the experience again, we went to the pier 1 shops and also the stunning rooftop restaurant. 


Then of-course, the Trump Plaza, Ceasers and last but not the least Tropicana. We had dinner in the same restaurant and tried our luck on slot machines too.

We had an amazing time. And left for home around 11:30. Again, a pleasant drive back, with some more memories of one of our favorite places.