Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Cheers: Internet turns 40

Yes, internet turned 40 today. Forty years back, on September 2, 1969- two computers at University of California, Los Angeles exchanged meaningless data in the first test of arpanet (an experimental military network) (The Times of India, Sep. 2, 2009). And today, it has become a part of our lives. We cant imagine living without internet even for a day. One can easily guess that by the figures, which show- there are 81 million internet users in India, that's a whopping number compared to the literacy rate here.

Looking back, i still remember, when i was in 10th standard, we had a PC and we used to wait for like 15-20 minutes for the internet dial-up connection to connect. Then, we used to put the username and Password, then again it took 10 mins. And finally, we could open our outlook to check mails, even sending mails use to take time. All that sounds so funny now.

Internet has definitely touched and changed our lives, in so many ways. We are connected to our friends, even those people who were just classmates earlier; sometimes even those whom we hated, but its ok. We can get information about anything under the sun, like looking for a airtel maintenance centre around the area, gulab jamun recipe, booking tickets and holidays n much more. And internet telephony is too gud. We have gotten so used to it, feels like its been there forever. Well i dont think i need to write more- praising the internet. It's time to say- "Shall we cut the cake now".

Just saw a joke on youtube video, it was about internet can be used in space also. Well anything is possible, what do u say??