Thursday, September 03, 2009

Horoscopes and other scopes !

Weekly Horoscope is a fun way to know what might happen next week. And ya, the 'might' actually works literally here. Sometimes, the predictions come true and more often, it is completely unrelated to you. But when something really comes true, you are bound to think about it atleast once. Last sunday, i read that this week is bad for my health. And boom,..., i have had cold on n off since monday and i actually thought about the horoscope prediction. Anyways, am ok now, so the prediction was right.

There are times, when things go exactly opposite to what is predicted. And maybe because these times are far more regular than the others, people tend to ignore it. But it provides that 'zing' element to the newspaper. Because of that, sundays become the sunsign days, and the very first thing i read in the paper that day. Moreover, nowadays people are spoilt for options like, greenscopes, foodscopes, moneyscopes, beautyscopes and yes dogscopes too. So one can have predictions for a particular subject for every week.

Though, that sounds a little too much. But Horoscopes are horocsopes, whatever you say. If that's not enough, you can always go for palm reading, crystal gazing, tarot card reading and many-many more available alternatives.

So let's see what's in store for me, next week. Happy Scoping....