Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Rahul Gandhi: Youth Leader all the way

Today, Mr. Rahul Gandhi came to our campus for an interactive session on Youth and Politics. And as there was no news about it before because of security reasons, we didn't get to know. An hour before the function was due to start, one of my friend told me, and i was game for it. We went there with our ID's around 8.30 and the programme was supposed to start at 9.30. And when we got to know that Rahul Gandhi is on his way, there was a huge applause. Some people call him 'The Icon' and some 'The Brand of India' and of course 'The Prince'.

One could easily see the eagerness in people to get a glimpse of him and i was one of them. Finally, Rahul Gandhi arrived and everyone got up, people were asked by the security persons to maintain calm and sit. And once Rahul Gandhi was on the stage, we could finally see him. Definitely, looks like a prince, but ya, i wanted to know his views about many issues. The moment Rahul Gandhi started speaking, the AISA and SFI people, as usual bound by their habits started shouting and waving black duppatas. But there were NSUI people to control them. Then the question-answer round started. and Ofcourse, the leftists don't leave any stone unturned to vomit out their rusted ideology.

One girl asked him, what has his government done for the poor while quoting many figures. And then Rahul Gandhi replied by saying that, first of all this is not my government, this is your government, this is government of the people. He talked about the various government schemes like NREGA etc. Questions kept on pouring. There was no end to it. Another question was from a guy who didn't want to take up a plum job in corporate sector (40,000 salary per month), but he wanted to work for the government and what should he do. And Rahul replied by saying that you seem agitated, he called him on the stage and shook hands.

One of the persons asked what kind of foreign policy your government has towards Palestine?

He replied, our country is all for the cause of Palestinians and we want them to get their place, but yes we have relations with Israel too, we have signed deals for defense weapons. Because we need to man our borders, when someone is pointing a gun at you, you need to be prepared. I completely agree to this. In the back of the Crowd, one girl was shouting, that your government buys ammunition to kill kashmiris, because she herself is a kashmiri. But of course, not many heard what she said.

Another Question was about, why the fees of universities is being increased. Rahul asked, that according to the committee report, students are charged 20% of the cost and i don't think that is too much to ask for. He actually asked one of the students about their fees and when he heard that we pay 200 rupees for one full semester. He smiled and said, do you think it is too much?
Nothing else need to be said.

And when this issue about fees came up, we all started shouting, that yes! left people don't have money to pay for their education. But they surely have money for cigarettes and FabIndia kurtas and many more things. One girl inquired about how to join politics and Rahul gave a convincing answer by saying that, we have made youth committees in various states and we are mobilizing youth to come up and join politics. And this is very visible in the number of young MPs elected during this election.

One guy asked him, why it took congress 60 years to come to a dalit's house, and from where did he get the food to serve you. What have you done about it. Rahul replied by saying that, I don't go to a dalit's house, i go to a poor man's house (he negated the caste system, very positive). And then he said he has been to many villages and when he asked people there, what have you been most happy about? and the villagers said when there debts were waived. And this was done under one of the policies by Congress.

There were many questions about education expenditure, students claimed that it has been reduced whereas Rahul Gandhi, quoted figures from planning commission's reports, which showed that there was no reduction in education expenditure. During all this questions-answer round, there were debates going on among the crowd also. As i was talking to one of the girl's about reservation and the obsolete Left ideology.

Another question which was asked by a leftist was that there should be redistribution of the money. Rahul Gandhi replied, yes, i agree with the basic principle of upliftment of poor but does your ideology have any answer for how the money needs to be generated. He asked this 5 times and the student had no answer. Then, Rahul Gandhi said that on one side India needs to grow and on the other there needs to be uplift-ment and growth is very important. But left ideology has no answer for growth.

Another question came from Rahul Gandhi, when he asked a leftist that whose ideology you follow, the Russian, which has failed or the Chinese. and the student replied that they dont follow any of those, they have there own ideology. And this became quite funny, as most of the people were laughing when the student replied this way. Among the crowd, a girl was saying that corporates should be taxed. I heard her and said why?

She said because they have money. Then i said they have worked hard for it, you want money, then you go out and work for it. You just can't live on taxpayers money, as corporate taxes are already quite high.

There were also murmurs about rebates for corporates and fake encounters etc. Lot of discussion, and yes, while answering one of the students, Rahul Gandhi also said that am not here to do tu-tu main-main with anyone, am here for healthy discussion, am here to talk about growth and future. Another important thing he pointed out was that, he hasn't been questioned about the growth and future of India and why most of the questions were about what has already happened. This was very thoughtful of him and so true.

I noticed one thing, which was very disturbing, the fact that left party students, do not have the basic etiquette. They don't know how to talk, they point fingers at the person while questioning him, they don't have the decency to talk in a civil manner rather they shout and scream (typically uncivilized attitude). Moreover, they were not even decent enough in the way they were talking especially to a person of such stature like Mr. Rahul Gandhi. They really need to be sent back to schools to learn the basics.

Finally, in the end one girl came up near the stage and said why are we only blaming the government and others, why we ourselves don't take responsibility for anything. Everyone applauded. Just the right end note. Mr. Rahul Gandhi left and we also came out. Lot of security and media people had gathered outside. And i was wishing that i don't have to answer any one of them and right then, one girl from a news channel came to me and asked how was it. I said that Rahul Gandhi gave very meaningful answers and yes, a very sensible leader.

Another man from a news channel came up to me asking me the same thing. i replied and then he asked me whether in next JNU election, u think NSUI can come up with a big win. I replied that it will take time, because left parties have a very strong hold in JNU. But yes Rahul Gandhi's vision for India is commendable and he is leading the youth in the right direction, and after this interactive session, NSUI's base will definitely increase.

And came back to hostel around 12.30 and since then i have been writing this blog. It feels nice after such a thought provoking interactive session, though i had some arguments with left people. Overall it was an enriching experience, knowing our country's future leader. Keep it up, Rahul!!