Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Reviews: Day 2

This is quite usual, after an interactive session on such a huge scale, there are bound to be reactions from everywhere. I went to the centre today and was discussing about the talk yesterday. When i started praising Rahul Gandhi, i saw a strange negative attitude. One of my seniors said, he didn't have answers for any question. Another one, said am praising becoz am a fan that's all, all girls are. Then another one also said that congress hasn't been able to do much for many issues. Others also said that he had only one answer for all the questions.

I was not expecting such negative responses from people. But how can i forget that this is JNU, where people only criticize, and are rarely seen appreciating someone's efforts. I don't understand, how people can forget that, Rahul Gandhi was here to discuss issues and to get solutions out of it. He was not here for a blame game or behes. But some students in the campus just wanted to blame him, as if he has been the leader of the government for the last 60 yrs. Interestingly, Rahul Gandhi himself, when questioned about the last 60 years of power, answered in a light way saying that i haven't been here for 60 years, do i look like a 60 year old?.
(Definitely not).

So, this blaming him will not change anything, or firing questions at him will not give you any solutions. Issues are discussed and yes! Rahul Gandhi has brought in changes since he took over the vision of India. He himself pointed out yesterday, that 'I had three choices- 1. To be a part of the system, 2. To go back home & 3. To make a change. And i chose the third one, that's why am here in front of you'.

But until the left's attitude of 'Sarkar Mai-Baap' changes, nothing can be done. They want their education fees also to be paid by others and basically, they are lazy people smoking away their time and pretending to be important. Shun the Left, it's high time !!!