Friday, April 16, 2010

Pandora: New Meanings

The word conjures up many images now, quite unlike sometime back. Earlier, thinking of the word Pandora, one could imagine things falling out of a box, resulting from a faded memory of a picture from the school textbook. Yeah! as the myth goes, Pandora opened a jar out of curiosity, releasing all the evil except hope as she closed it again. Pandora as the one who opened the box, was the only meaning one could ever think of.

Not anymore, since Avatar days, Pandora means flying mountains, trees glowing in the dark , mysterious land and blue skinned people. This movie has changed how we understand the word today. The awesome 3D effects of the movie left long-lasting effects on the mind.

There's yet another thing which comes to mind, when one thinks of Pandora- the Internet Radio, am completely addicted to it since I started using it. One can listen to their favorite songs, save stations and can just tune in and enjoy unlimited music.

So, the Meaning attributed to a word changes with time. Nothing really stays the same forever.