Monday, April 05, 2010

Washington D.C. Diary: 2

After coming out of the U.S. Capitol, we went to the front side of it and clicked some more pics. And went straight for our next destination. We walked to the National Mall, with 23 degrees of temperature, it was a typical sunny day and as the Cherry Blossom Festival was going on, there were a large number of people.

We went to the 'Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History', and again we had to get in a queue and get our bags checked. The moment you enter, a big statue of African Elephant with his trunk raised welcomes you and as you move on, there are many more life size exhibits waiting. The next was Kenneth E. Behring Hall of Mammals, which features diverse mammals and the processes by which they continue to adapt. Then the 'Deeper than Light' exhibit is breathtaking, with a life-size Whale floating over our heads, one can actually see the enormity of a whale. There's a huge Squid on exhibit, which is shown as the food of the whale in the ocean. We also saw the documentary on the 'World of Deep Sea', and then we moved on to the 'Sant Ocean Hall', to see the deep sea exploration and the ongoing research in marine science. The exhibit 'The Evolution of Evolution' showcases the role of Darwin's theory in Biological sciences.

                                                              Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

The Dinosaurs/Hall of Paleobiology takes you back in time, exhibiting Dinosaurs, fish fossils and the life in the ancient seas. Then we went to the second floor, to see the 'Hope Diamond', which is the Indian connection of the Museum, as the Deep blue flawless diamond came form India and it was beautiful.

We went around to see to see other exhibit of animals, a jaguar sitting on a tree with his prey, a lion, two tigers killing a bull, two polar bears snuggled up in snow, it was amazing. And it was great to know, that the movie 'One Night at the Museum' was shot in this museum only.

We left from there around 3. The museum lived up to its fame and we enjoyed our visit thoroughly.