Monday, April 05, 2010

Washington D.C. Diary: 4

After the White House, it was time for some refreshments. Then we headed towards the 'Cherry Blossom Festival', in the garden right beside the Washington Monument. Some band was playing and people were just lying around and yes! a lot of people were flying kites too. It was a beautiful sight, around 5 in the evening; so the sun was going down, there was music playing in the background and kites were up in the sky.

                                                                                         Cherry Blossom festival

Cherry Blossom Festival- It commemorates the gift of 3000 cherry blossom trees given to Washington D.C. by Japan in 1912. Its the 98th celebration and the festival is held from March 27th to April 11th. As the blooming of cherry blossom trees lasts a very short time, so this festival attracts people from far away places.

The festival on the 'Southwest Waterfront' started around 6 and we also joined the crowds to the Potomac River waterfront. Lots of food to eat, music and stunning Cherry Blossom trees all around the waterfront. One could see the Jefferson Memorial on the other side of the waterfront, it looked lovely in the evening. People had gathered around and were waiting for the fireworks to start at 8:30, just like us.

                                                                                       Cherry Blossoms

Meanwhile, we enjoyed ice-cream and sat under a cherry tree. Clicked pictures and enjoyed the moment. Exactly at 8:30 p.m., fireworks started. We were speechless, when we saw the fireworks over the waterfront. It was a breathtaking sight and we were so happy to be there. Just the perfect ending note to our awesome trip.